Overview of the Apple M1 chip architecture

The M1 chip is Apple's first processor for Macs. Since its release in November 2020, it has shaped Apple's product lineup and set a new standard for what consumers can expect from their devices. Although the world has moved past M1 technology, it's still worth considering the shift it caused

Prince Onyeanuna
Prince Onyeanuna

Building x86 Images on an Apple M1 Chip

A few months ago, while deploying an application in Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS), my pods crashed with a  standard_init_linux.go:228: exec user process caused: exec format error error. After a bit of research, I found out that the error tends to happen when the architecture an

Divine Odazie
Divine Odazie

How to run Minikube on an Apple M1 chip without Docker Desktop

Docker Desktop failed me, and at the time (13th July 2022) of writing this article, Hyperkit, VirtualBox, and other hypervisors specified here don’t work on the Apple M1 chip. Weeks ago, while using Docker Desktop, it suddenly got stuck in a start-stop loop. I spent hours trying to resolve

Divine Odazie
Divine Odazie