
Is Apache Kafka a Database?

Well, no. Apache Kafka isn't a database. It's a real-time event streaming platform. However, Kafka's ability to retain data in a durable and replicated manner does give it some database-like properties, which can be helpful in specific scenarios. In this article, I intend to

Prince Onyeanuna
Prince Onyeanuna

How Does Real-Time Data Streaming Work in Kafka?

Producing and processing real-time data are two sides of a coin. Imagine you run a company that continuously generates a steady stream of data that needs to be processed efficiently. Traditional solutions for handling this data using Kafka's producer and consumer APIs can be bulky because of the

Prince Onyeanuna
Prince Onyeanuna

Schema Evolution in Kafka

While applications are producing and consuming messages to and fro Kafka, you'll notice that new consumers of existing topics start emerging. These new consumers (applications) might have been written by the same engineers who wrote the original producer of those messages or by people you don't

Prince Onyeanuna
Prince Onyeanuna

Kafka Architecture 101

Apache Kafka offers you three key features. It's the ability to publish & subscribe to events, store them, and process them in real-time or at a later point. In this article, you'll better understand all the components that make these features possible. You'll go

Prince Onyeanuna
Prince Onyeanuna