Build a Docker Image and Push to Docker Hub: A Quick Guide

In the build process of modern applications, one important step you wouldn't want to skip is containerizing your app, with Docker being the go-to tool for this process. After containerization, your application will be tagged and pushed to a public repository like Docker Hub. The workflow is usually similar to

Prince Onyeanuna
Prince Onyeanuna

When Do You Need A Container vs. Virtual Machines?

Choosing between virtual machines and containers is an application-dependent decision. Containers provide speed, have a smaller footprint and are commonly used for cloud-native applications (or microservice apps). On the other hand, although containers provide isolation, virtual machines take it a step further; they allow you to run multiple OS on

Prince Onyeanuna
Prince Onyeanuna

Open Sourcing wasmCloud-operator: A Step Towards Community-Driven Innovation in Kubernetes and WebAssembly

Cosmonic's recent open-sourcing of its Kubernetes operator, the wasmCloud-operator, to the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) wasmCloud ecosystem marks a significant step in expanding access to the benefits of WebAssembly (Wasm) in Kubernetes environments. As demand grows for open and community-driven approaches, the wasmCloud-operator empowers Kubernetes practitioners with seamless integration

Gift Balogun
Gift Balogun
Industry Update

How to Checkout Git Tags

Version control systems like Git provide developers powerful tools to manage codebases effectively. One essential feature of Git is the ability to create tags, which refer to specific points in your project's repository history. Tags are commonly used to mark releases, milestones, or significant changes in the codebase, making it

Prince Onyeanuna
Prince Onyeanuna

Hypershield: Cisco's AI-Powered Cloud Security Shakes Up the DevOps World

In a major development, Cisco has unveiled Cisco Hypershield, a pioneering approach to securing data centers and clouds in response to the escalating demands of the AI revolution on IT infrastructure. This innovative solution harnesses and protects AI and modern workloads like never before. Cisco Hypershield is an industry-first security

Gift Balogun
Gift Balogun

What Is Amazon Resource Name (ARN)?

AWS has many services and resources ranging from EC2 instances to S3 buckets, and you can have multiple instances for each resource. In a scenario where you need to identify a specific resource, it is only logical to have a unique ID for each resource. Well, there is, and it's

Prince Onyeanuna
Prince Onyeanuna

First Multi-Cloud Native OSS Platform for Telco Industry?

Blue Planet, a division of Ciena — A global leader in networking systems, recently launched a major enhancement to its intelligent automation software portfolio with the first-of-its-kind Blue Planet Cloud Native Platform. Leveraging Kubernetes, this new platform will allow Communications Service Providers (CSPs) to support multiple modular Operating Support System (OSS)

Gift Balogun
Gift Balogun

Choosing the Right Tool for Your Local Kubernetes Development Environment

Imagine you're trying to set up a Kubernetes cluster on your local machine to test a new feature before you deploy it to a production environment. You aim to make this local environment as close to the production environment as possible. A minimal production cluster would require at least three

Prince Onyeanuna
Prince Onyeanuna